Why React Native Is Better For Cross-Platform App Development?


There is surely some admiration behind every time React Native is mentioned in relation to cross-platform app development. Why not, then? React Native, for example, is one of several cutting-edge technologies that now offers a wide range of benefits. React Native gained popularity because it enables app developers to create mobile applications using only JavaScript. Isn’t that really sophisticated?

React Native is far ahead of other well-known cross-platform technologies. Why? That’s why we’re here today, so here we’ll discuss why you should hire React Native developers in India for cross-platform app development.

React Native’s Advantages in Cross-Platform App Development

1. Saves Time & Cost

Businesses can save time by using React Native because it just requires one codebase to create apps for iOS and Android. When compared to conventional app development methods, it reduces development time and costs by 50%.

The platform additionally enables companies to quickly integrate with their current mobile app development team and resources. They may be used to create apps for iOS and Android utilising the same languages, libraries, and design principles.

To eliminate the need for developers to learn about native components for each platform independently, React Native’s major goal is to “Learn once, write anywhere”. You’ll save time and money by not needing to recruit separate teams to code in Swift or Java for Android and iOS, respectively.

2. Greater Reach

The use of mobile applications is now a guarantee for increasing sales for any company or organisation. For business owners of all sizes, React Native for cross-platform app development has been and continues to prove to be incredibly advantageous. Since they may reach both Android and iOS users, these apps allow you to reach a larger audience. Whatever the complexity of your application, React Native has the power to solve any issue.

3. Supports Third-Party Plugins for Improved Functionality

Third-party plugins are supported by React Native because JavaScript is its foundation. Developers benefit from having a wide selection of tools and libraries at their fingertips to speed up the development process.

It is possible to add features like analytics, crash reporting, push alerts, etc. using a variety of open-source frameworks. You may quickly add any needed functionality to your app with the aid of these sophisticated plugins without investing a lot of time or money.

For instance, you can utilise the React Native Firebase library to add push notifications to your app.

4. Helps in Creating Better User Interfaces

You can create user interfaces in JavaScript using JSX in React Native. Without worrying about platform dependencies, you can quickly design a highly interactive UI with it for your project.

It is crucial because React uses declarative programming to design user interfaces, which prevents coding errors and makes it incredibly easy to use.

5. Community Driven

It’s crucial to have a robust development community. It is the most dependable technique to get simple, quick fixes for issues that arise when using a particular technology. For instance, if a React Native developer is working on a project and running into React Native Development problems, they can seek assistance from the community’s specialists. The work briefcases are a way for React Developers to share their distinctive experiences with the communities. Developers can write better code as a result of this easier workload. It is straightforward to identify where and when things go wrong.

6. Augmenting the Capabilities of Apps

Applications created using React Native can simply be enhanced to support more operating systems, like Windows, tvOS, etc. Because of JavaScript’s versatility, it is conceivable. Additionally, it is simple to migrate your programme to other platforms because React Native uses a single codebase for multiple platforms.

ReactXP, a popular React Native toolkit, may be used to create cross-platform programmes that run on many operating systems, including Android, iOS, and Windows. You don’t have to worry about writing platform-specific code with ReactXP because it does that for you.


React Native is a mobile development framework that enables seamless cross-platform compatibility for apps, to be precise. The product owner or app developer can save a lot of time, money, and resources thanks to this special feature. As was already said, it is advantageous from both the developer’s and the user’s perspectives. Therefore, move from native apps right away to reduce development costs. If you want any help in understanding more about React Native or cross-platform app development you can contact an IT consulting company in India.


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