Is College Crushing Your Dreams?


For many students, college is supposed to be the key to unlocking their potential and achieving their goals in life. However, for some, the college experience can be a disappointing and crushing one, leaving them feeling like they are nothing more than robots programmed to work like laborers.

This sentiment is expressed in a recent message from a frustrated college student who feels that their college has done nothing but crush their dreams and potential. According to them, the college system is designed to make students follow directions and conform to a certain mold, without regard for their individuality or unique goals in life.

For the past three years, the student claims to have attended useless lectures and lessons that have no relevance to their approach or goal in life. Assignments and lab files are shoved down their throats, and any attempts to resist or do better are met with ridicule and disdain.

The student argues that this approach is designed to create a class of workers who are trained to do the menial and repetitive work that no one else wants to do. By teaching students to be quiet and never raise their voice against the system, colleges are creating a generation of people who will work tirelessly for hours, without any thought of their own potential or dreams.
The student warns that unless something changes, future generations will be stuck in the same cycle of meaninglessness and despair. They urge colleges to start paying attention to the individual needs and goals of their students, rather than treating them like mindless laborers.

This message highlights the growing concern among students that the college system is failing to meet their needs and expectations. As college costs continue to rise, more and more students are asking themselves whether a college education is really worth it.

While there is no easy answer to this question, it is clear that colleges need to do more to address the concerns of their students. By creating a more personalized and individualized approach to education, colleges can help students achieve their full potential and realize their dreams, rather than crushing them under the weight of a system that values conformity over creativity.


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