Elder Millennial tries to get an actual career.


While the labels that society places on the generations are a little silly, it’s what I am, so here we are. I started my “blogging career” back when LiveJournal / DeadJournal was a big thing. I loved the control you could have in designing how everything looked. Xanga, melodramatic, blogger and finally the both dreaded and loved Tumblr. Whatever blog site was popular I moved over to until I moved over to wordpress (head there if you want a more everyday-type blog), but I’m here in DEV. I guess I’ll see how this works for me.

Myspace happened the year after I graduated high school in 2003. Between the drama of who was in my top 8 all I wanted to do was code and design, and create. I went down the rabbit hole and taught myself any and everything I could about html/css, I bought photoshop and dreamweaver and learned how to design and code using it’s WYSIWYG interface. I went to college for “ graphic design” that had very few graphic courses and so many coding courses where I learned how to make FLASH games and design websites. I LOVED IT. That was almost 20 years ago. I never got that job as a designer, although I did have some freelance jobs doing posters and websites for local bands. Everything has changed since then though, so has coding languages.

So here I am. I’ve worked overnights at Amazon for the last 6 years, and while I love what I do – I basically get to tell people what to do all night and make sure we get all your shipments out on time – I’ve never been ‘fulfilled.’ haha.

Thanks to Amazon’s career choice I’m starting an 8 month program to become a software developer. There is so much more going on in my life, and while I will mainly focus on my career journey, I hope you don’t mind joining me in my everyday adventures as well.


AVL Tree

In this tutorial, you will learn what an avl tree is. Also, you will find working examples of…

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