A flexible nodejs crawler library —— x-crawl



x-crawl is a flexible nodejs crawler library. Used to crawl pages, crawl interfaces, crawl files, and poll crawls. Flexible and simple to use, friendly to JS/TS developers.

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  • 🔥 Async/Sync – Just change the mode property to toggle async/sync crawling mode.
  • ⚙️Multiple functions – Can crawl pages, crawl interfaces, crawl files and poll crawls. And it supports crawling single or multiple.
  • 🖋️ Flexible writing method – A function adapts to multiple crawling configurations and obtains crawling results. The writing method is very flexible.
  • ⏱️ Interval crawling – no interval/fixed interval/random interval, can effectively use/avoid high concurrent crawling.
  • 🔄 Retry on failure – It can be set for all crawling requests, for a single crawling request, and for a single request to set a failed retry.
  • 🚀 Priority Queue – Use priority crawling based on the priority of individual requests.
  • ☁️ Crawl SPA – Batch crawl SPA (Single Page Application) to generate pre-rendered content (ie “SSR” (Server Side Rendering)).
  • ⚒️ Controlling Pages – Headless browsers can submit forms, keystrokes, event actions, generate screenshots of pages, etc.
  • 🧾 Capture Record – Capture and record the crawled results, and highlight them on the console.
  • 🦾 TypeScript – Own types, implement complete types through generics.


Take some pictures of Airbnb hawaii experience and Plus listings automatically every day as an example:

// 1.Import module ES/CJS
import xCrawl from 'x-crawl'

// 2.Create a crawler instance
const myXCrawl = xCrawl({ maxRetry: 3, intervalTime: { max: 3000, min: 2000 } })

// 3.Set the crawling task
  Call the startPolling API to start the polling function,
  and the callback function will be called every other day
myXCrawl.startPolling({ d: 1 }, async (count, stopPolling) => {
  // Call crawlPage API to crawl Page
  const res = await myXCrawl.crawlPage([

  // Store the image URL
  const imgUrls = []
  const elSelectorMap = ['.c14whb16', '.a1stauiv']
  for (const item of res) {
    const { id } = item
    const { page } = item.data

    // Gets the URL of the page's wheel image element
    const boxHandle = await page.$(elSelectorMap[id - 1])
    const urls = await boxHandle.$$eval('picture img', (imgEls) => {
      return imgEls.map((item) => item.src)

    // Close page

  // Call the crawlFile API to crawl pictures
    requestConfigs: imgUrls,
    fileConfig: { storeDir: './upload' }
Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

running result:



Note: Do not crawl at will, you can check the robots.txt protocol before crawling. This is just to demonstrate how to use x-crawl.


For more detailed documentation, please check: https://github.com/coder-hxl/x-crawl


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