How to Remove a File from Git and Add it to `.gitignore`


If you no longer want to include a file in Git version control and want to add it to the .gitignore file, you can follow these steps:

  1. Remove the file from Git version control using the git rm command:
   git rm --cached file.txt
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Replace file.txt with the name or path of the file you want to remove. The --cached flag ensures that the file is only removed from Git tracking but is still present in your local file system.

Commit the removal:

git commit -m "Remove file.txt from Git tracking"
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Exit fullscreen mode

This commits the removal of the file from Git’s history.

Add the file to the .gitignore file:

Open the .gitignore file in a text editor and add a new line specifying the file or pattern you want to ignore. For example:

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Save the .gitignore file.

Commit the changes to the .gitignore file:

git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Add file.txt to .gitignore"
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Exit fullscreen mode

This commits the changes to the .gitignore file, effectively ignoring the specified file.

After following these steps, Git will no longer track the specified file, and it will be ignored in future commits. However, please note that this process does not delete the file from your local file system; it only removes it from Git’s version control.

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