Flutter Vs React Native. Which one to choose in 2023?


React Native Vs Flutter

⚛️What is React Native?


React Native is a framework that combines the best parts of native development with React to build user interfaces. Facebook developed React Native in 2015. It is an open-source framework that is based on JavaScript.

It also provides a similar feature, using the same codebase to create cross-platform apps, thus eliminating the need to compile other technologies for creating mobile apps. Skype, Instagram, Uber Eats, etc., depends upon React Native for development. It lets you build mobile apps using only JavaScript.

These mobile applications are downloadable on Google Play Store and Apple Store. React Native is similar to React (JavaScript Library). So if you are a react developer, then you will find react native an easy path.

Advantages of using React Native

  • Uses JavaScript
  • Can create apps for multiple platforms using a single codebase
  • Understands the importance of code reusability and promotes it
  • Growing and active community
  • Helps in accelerating coding time

Disadvantages of using React Native

  • Not native
  • Does not provide innovative, out-of-the-box components
  • Limited choices
  • Abandoned libraries and packages
  • UI can be hampered easily and needs to undergo vigorous UI testing
  • Larger apps

🚀What is Flutter?


Flutter is a cross-platform mobile app development framework developed by Google. It gives developers an easy way to build and deploy visually attractive, natively compiled applications for mobile (iOS, Android), web, and desktop, all using a single code base. Flutter is based on dart programming language.

A lot of big companies like Alibaba, Philips Hue, Hamilton, etc., choose Flutter for development. Moreover, Google frequently provides updates for Flutter, improving its performance with each update.

Now that you know what the two frameworks are, look at some of the differences between the two.

Advantages of using Flutter

  • Great UI
  • Has a number of widgets
  • Apps are faster
  • Helps build web apps (Flutter 2)
  • Well-structured documentation and community
  • Helps replicate and create the same UI for different devices

Disadvantages of using Flutter

  • Not native
  • Apps are larger
  • Has a limited set of tools


We really hope that this Flutter vs React Native article has given you some clarity and understanding about these two frameworks.

Overall, after all the above research, we can conclude that Flutter is a great choice to save time and money on mobile app development.


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